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What is the difference between 4G, LTE and VoLTE

Difference between 4G, LTE and VoLTE

Know , Connectivity Data no longer problem even imagine  We Essage, Call, Social Media, Chatting and your life with your friends updates share more time than 100 times per day to Smartphone Use Let's do it. In this case, it is right to get angry if Smartphone connectivity is slow or bad. But in the 4 G service of operators such as Airtel , AC is hardly visible.

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We spend time in our life with Internet every day In a way, the internet has brought a revolutionary change in our lives. And did you make this amazing technology works finally call you ever thought   that how are you and call you top on 4 G, LTE and VoLTE  is mean.
So let's know what 4G, LTE and VoLTE  mean ?

What is 4G?

What is 4G?

4G means the fourth generation cellular network technology India on Mujut at present the most advanced and fastest from the Network is. 4G Technology is much better than 3G Technology .

There users to gtk Speed and gtk connectivity joins. Airtel4G Users would have known about it. For any network to be called 4G , the global telecommunication union (ITU-R) has to meet the global standard ie international mobile communications advance After completing these Srton telecom operator 's own network to 4G can say.

4 G Network has to meet several Srton.

Among them are:


The thing to note here is that this fixed limit of speed is the maximum limit. The speed that the users actually get is actually quite low. I reason modern and friendly Transmission Technology Every generation with , Data type processing and transfer capacity tremendous on changing happened.   

First L G cable Analog system was between 2 G Technology with digital transmission has a cloud. 3G coming we speed and Stability has Anubb bodybuilders network.

What is 4GLTE?

Now growing 4 GLTE and , that 4 G is considered another name. But in fact these 4 G is a type of which means better Speed with Wireless Broadband Connection ITU-R has 4G is ready to scale , to be able to fulfill Telecom Company is Muskil for. In this way, they are cheaper through which 4 G speed can be got and this is a step ahead of 3 G Speed .  

Similarly, the LTE advance , LTE one step advance is. Which takes you much closer to the prescribed G speed along with better speed and gives better network stability . It also has the touch of that radio transmission called MIMO .

MIMO 's M Eaning Multiple Input And Multiple Output MIMO under the antenna with the help of signal transmit and receive offers. Neither the cable smartphone anymore, the Wi-Fi router also uses MIMO for better coverage .

Airtel ESA is the first telecom operator industry in India to introduce MIMO extensively so that users can get a better network experience .

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